Here are copies of my CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT, MI printout, and MEM /C printout. Using this configuration, I got 624.8K (That's 639,808 bytes folks) of usable memory under 640K. This is using the MS DOS 5.0/HIMEM.SYS/EMM386.EXE combination. I have received a new HIMEM.SYS and EMM386.EXE from a person that sent me feedback on the orginal memhints file, therefore you may receive different memory results than I. I am using a Gateway 2000 386/33C with 4megs of RAM, a 120MB IDE hard drive, and a Diamond SpeedSTAR Plus video card. One thing to do to get more memory is to keep the environment small. Anything that is shown when you type SET at the prompt is in the environemt. Place the envrionment after you load TSRs, because a copy of it is often loaded with each TSR. Make directory names that are put in the path short(the longer the path, the more memory that is used). Keep your SET= statements to a minimum. Also keep them simple. Set LASTDRIVE to the lowest drive letter needed. I you have one HD partition, and don't plan on using a ramdrive place LASTDRIVE=C into you CONFIG.SYS. Other things to do in the CONFIG.SYS is to place FCBS=1 and STACKS=0,0 on separate lines. Keep the number of files in the CONFIG.SYS down to the smallest that you need. There is also a PC Magazine utility called UMBFILES.COM that will place your files into the UMB. If you use this utility, the minimum files in the CONFIG.SYS must be 8, as this is the minimum allowable by MS-DOS, and the rest will be loaded high. Norton Utilities 6.0's NDOS.COM will leave only 256 bytes in low memory if you set it up the way I have done. 4DOS will also do the same thing, although with different switches, etc. ******************************************************************************** CONFIG.SYS DEVICE=C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE NOEMS H=2 SHELL=C:\NDOS.COM /U /E:256U DOS=HIGH,UMB STACKS=0,0 FCBS=1 FILES=8 BUFFERS=15 LASTDRIVE=C ******************************************************************************** AUTOEXEC.BAT @ECHO OFF C:\STAR\UTIL\VMODE MONITOR C:\UTILS\MHZ LH C:\PCTOOLS\PC-CACHE/SIZEXT=768/WRITE=ON/V1/QUIET LH C:\MOUSE\MOUSE.COM/U C:\UTILS\UMBFILES=42 C:\NDW\EP /ON C:\NDW\IMAGE SETDOS /U1 SET COMSPEC=C:\NDOS.COM PROMPT $P) PATH=C:\;C:\UTILS;C:\WINDOWS;C:\DOS;C:\PCTOOLS;C:\PKZIP;C:\VPIC;C:\ARJ;C:\NU;C:\ NDW;C:\QEMM SET TEMP=C:\TMP WIN CD\ ******************************************************************************** MI.COM (or MI/A) Memory Info V7.1 (c)1991 Central Point Software, Inc. Total bytes owned Addr. Low area High area Program or device driver ----- -------- --------- -------------------------- 0255h 1,072 .. Device=HIMEM Attr=A000h Name=XMSXXXX0 0299h 3,216 .. Device=EMM386 Attr=C000h Name=$MMXXXX0 03AEh 256 3,376 NDOS 03CBh 639,808 .. ---- Begin High (Upper) Memory ---- C9C1h .. 18,160 PC-CACHE C:\PCTOOLS\PC-CACHE.COM/SIZEXT=768/WRITE= CE30h .. 3,840 MOUSE CF21h .. 2,496 UMBFILES CFBEh .. 8,288 EP 655,360 bytes (640k) total DOS 5.00 conventional memory. 639,808 bytes (625k) largest executable program. 58,288 bytes if loaded high. 0 bytes Extended (AT/286/386) memory, reported by BIOS. 1,958k bytes free, reported by XMS driver version 3.0 (3.3). HMA in use. ******************************************************************************** MEM/C |MORE Conventional Memory : Name Size in Decimal Size in Hex ------------- --------------------- ------------- MSDOS 10656 ( 10.4K) 29A0 HIMEM 1072 ( 1.0K) 430 EMM386 3216 ( 3.1K) C90 NDOS 256 ( 0.3K) 100 FREE 640000 (625.0K) 9C400 Total FREE : 640000 (625.0K) Upper Memory : Name Size in Decimal Size in Hex ------------- --------------------- ------------- SYSTEM 167456 (163.5K) 28E20 NDOS 3376 ( 3.3K) D30 PC-CACHE 18160 ( 17.7K) 46F0 MOUSE 3840 ( 3.8K) F00 UMBFILES 2496 ( 2.4K) 9C0 EP 8288 ( 8.1K) 2060 FREE 80 ( 0.1K) 50 FREE 58288 ( 56.9K) E3B0 Total FREE : 58368 ( 57.0K) Total bytes available to programs (Conventional+Upper) : 698368 (682.0K) Largest executable program size : 639808 (624.8K) Largest available upper memory block : 58288 ( 56.9K) 3145728 bytes total contiguous extended memory 0 bytes available contiguous extended memory 2004992 bytes available XMS memory MS-DOS resident in High Memory Area ******************************************************************************* If you have any questions, comments, or helpful memory hints, please write me. Sean Martin 6044 Camino Alegre El Paso, TX 79912 If you would like a reply, please send a self addressed stamped envelope. This would greatly help as I am just a poor college student. Thanks to the few people that have written with tips, files, and questions. Texas A&M University Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 1995! WHOOP!